fonderie leghe leggere s.r.l.
tecnologie di produzione e assicurazione di qualità



FGT is able to guarantee to automotive producers, high quality components and a real impact on life cycle costs.


FGT offers manufacturers in the mechanical and heating systems systems sectors with a series of highly dependable solutions which meet the strictest technical and environmental standards.


FGT offers farm machinery manufacturers solutions offering the best possible response to strict requirements for efficiency and environmental compatibility.


Request a quote

Compiling the form you can request a quote directly to our commercial staff.
Alternatively you can contact us through our E-Mail adress direzionegenerale@fonderiafgt.com.
We will contact you as soon as possibles.
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*Name and Surname:

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*I authorise use of my personal data in compliance with Italian privacy 196/2003.




Business Premises
Via Statale 329/a
44047 - TERRE DEL RENO - LOC. DOSSO (Fe) - Italy
tel +39 - 0532-848047 - tel +39 - 0532-848464

FGT fonderie leghe leggere s.r.l - P.IVA 01566350383 Privacy Policy